Monday, June 22, 2009

Rebel with a cause!

There are so many grand examples of companies and people that have changed they way we think about various stuff by making a point of being a rebel and what really made them different from so many other rebels is that they have a cause that was so so strong that they will not think twice and change their entire belief system just because. They have set their minds to something that is greater then what their peers understand at that given time. Here are some companies and people that comes to mind:


Today’s short list:


Nokia - from tire and rubber boot company to world’s nr. 1 cell phone company

Steve Jobs - don’t need to say more-wow! 

Zappos - nr 1 Culture Company.

Seth Godin - why? Exactly that- question why is so crucial! also he is a really good storyteller! 

Facebook - the way we keep track and keep up with people around us

Jimi Hendrix- one goal and that was to go from rumor to legend and change what music was    all about 

Skype - now a verb...that’s it!

Google - simple is their first name

Pandora - changed they way people listed to music (now just in the US) 

Amazon - data mining, who wouldn’t buy a book from them? 

Tom Peters - Keep It Simple Stupid 

ING Direct - it’s all about what the consumer wants and needs to be simple (different from    other banks

Twitter - less is more

IKEA - economics of scale on furniture (that buyer puts together)-brilliant!

Jan Stenbeck - where ever there is a monopoly there is an opportunity

If I were to...

Launch an music album that is more alternative, I would make sure to have a "hit", a mainstream song that would get that song to be played at clubs, at peoples parties, at dinners and out in summer parks get people to talk about it and get the full viral effect going strong. 


Before it must have been more difficult to get a good distribution going of an album, either you made it or you didn’t (you were as an artist more dependent on your record label for distribution). That was before smart inventions such as Itunes, Youtube and Spotify was around. Now people can explore and enjoy albums and artist they would never really listen to and thanks to that "hit" people or at least me would explore that particular album. My own experience has shown that this is the case. I don’t know if it’s just me or if this would be the case for more than just me. 


This "hit" wonder is applicable on more industries and it’s really interesting to observe the force it. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Marketing or waste of money?

I just found out from a friend that a marketing campaign that I didn’t know whom the communicator was. It now appears that is a candy company. They has been doing below the line marketing campaign all over Sweden, targeting bikes in all major cities among them Malmo. The campaign looks like this and covered many bikes all over the kingdom of Sweden! 


You can check it out here!


Can you tell what company it is? Me neither. Is this not a good example of how to waste money on a mass massage trying in a native attempt to get some sort of reaction of busy people?


What a waste!




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