Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some outside-the-box thinking please!

In Sweden, selling medicine has been a state owned monopoly up until recently. A couple of companies jumped at the opportunity to start selling and providing the Swedish population with medicine. Nothing wrong with that.
Now when it comes to market share and marketing-almost all of the new pharmacy owners are trying to build their brand and gain recognition by using TV, again nothing wrong with that, besides that all the other owners are doing just that!
Come on, here is the opportunity of an lifetime. Get some with creative ideas going that speaks to your customer.
Be bolder then the others and you will see a good ROI.

Dare it, Try it, Test it, tweak it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Inspirational words for 2010:

I feel that to start a new year and a decade I like to inspire myself and I thought about sharing these words that I in various ways alter and mix to inspire myself and I believe the people around me. Enjoy!

Always be the most of what I do
Regain and retain the power
Spread ideas-find the sneezers and tell them the story
Good dumb ideas
Contribute to the Thank-you economy
Put information in the right context
 Show-don’t tell-take the grand leap
Always be a student of life
Don’t just do things-make the right things happen
Be the type of leader that empowers the people to feel that they pulled it of themselves
“I can..!”
Have courage and faith

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things are changing

I have over the last 6 months completely changed the way I consume information and great/gifted people’s thoughts.

I have over the years been divulging various management and leadership books such as “Good to Great”,  “7 Habits of Highly efficient people”, “Purple Cow”, “The Goal” and “Think and Grow rich” etcetera etcetera.
It’s been great learning from these masters and guru’s but not optimal in the way I live my life.
I just realized the other day though that my behavior consuming information has shifted completely. I no longer read management books, I now follow great peoples blog’s and their share their thoughts, I learn and it gets me inspired.  I like it since it’s to the point- I get so much more out of the time I put in.

Here are some blog’s that I follow and that inspires me:

How do you take in information? Any bloggers to recommend?  

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Private vs. Govern owned

I had some problems with my lungs a couple of days ago and a private clinc and 10 minutes later I was done with check-up, blood sample and a subscription on medication if needed in future. 

I went directly to get my medicine at a government own pharmacy, after waiting for 5 minutes to get to speak to someone and another 25 minutes to actually get the medicine. A total time of 30 minutes to collect medicine, something that in my world should have taken maximum 10 minutes.  
According to me this is why all for-profit enterprises should be managed like a private one with focus on time and bottom-line. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Alex little helper

I like to read interesting articles, blog’s and thoughts online! However, many times when I actually stumble across one, I’m not in a space or I don’t have the time to read. I use to bookmark it (with the intention of coming back to read it) and later forget all about it. 

I recently came across Instapaper  that has changed the way I engage and go about this! Great little helper! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Year great thoughts

2009 has rushed by, been an interesting year with many many key lessons and experiences. As a wrap-up of this year I would like to share a great e-book put together by some great people that I follow. Down loaded it here and tell me what you think: Download here

I will take some time off to reflect and get ready for 2010!

Merry Christmas and good fortunes in 2010!

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