I was traveling the other week from Copenhagen airport and I of some reason had some problems with my ticket (I was flying with SAS), I of course go over the SAS "SERVICE" center to ask them to assist me with my issue, since I did not know what it was and couldnt solve it with out their assistance!
I got a direct answer from the bitter lady behind the desk directly told me that she couldn’t help (read: dont wanted to help me and give me the service she was hired to give).
I insisted and after about 10 minutes of not giving up she finally took my ticket and makes the phone calls needed and wham the problem was solved and she finally became friendly (read: she realized that the problem was on SAS side). Do you think I got an excuse or apology? No no but I at least check in!
Wow how important service is (we live in an experience economy people)-to have the right people working for you as a company-they are really an extension of what the company and the brand stand for no matter if you are a small or stock listed company!